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How did you end up here?........Are you a Lockridge Lochridge Laughridge Loughridge Lochrige Lothrige Lotridge Lockbridge Lorthridge Lockeridge or ...?

LOKRIG Family Association was created in 1989 to provide a platform for family history researchers to share, exchange and connect with fellow researchers anywhere in the world.

The LOKRIG Family Association (or LFA) is a not-for-profit genealogy association tracing Lockridge Lochridge Laughridge Loughridge Lochrige Lothrige Lotridge Lockbridge Lorthridge Lockeridge and the many variant spellings and pronounciations.

The objectives of this Association include the collection, consolidation and preservation for posterity of genealogical data of our ancestors; the promotion of the principles of freedom and democracy for which our ancestors worked, fought, and died; and the cultivation of mutual acquaintance and friendship among our members.

"A people which takes no pride in the noble achievements of its remote ancestors, will never achieve anything worthy to be remembered with pride by remote descendants." ....(Lord Macaulay)

Visitors - We encourage visitors to get to know us by browsing sample articles listed under Guest Features on the right. The categories on the left, available to members only, are packed with original articles from medieval times to the present, military documents, census data and evaluations, vital records and a lot more. We hope your visit with us will be a good one so, before you go, be sure to sign our Guestbook; comments and questions are welcome.

Membership - Our LOKRIG forefathers came from every walk of life--each with a unique story to tell. They left us a legacy to be proud of, to learn from and to emulate, and we are privileged to honor this birthright and preserve it for the future. It is open to anyone interested in tracing their LOKRIG ancestors or just learning more about the LOKRIG varied surnames, its history and varied spellings down through the years.

The many benefits of membership are well worth the minimal cost. Here is what you get:

The LOCK-ON, a monthly newsletter, featuring the latest genealogy and lineage information, research tips and opportunities, special events, genealogy events, articles and photographs, all pertaining to the LOKRIG lines.

Archival material from census reports, vital records, military records, wills, historical documents and other resources, including association newsletters and reports dating back to the 1880s.

Perhaps most importantly an opportunity for you to share with fellow members what you have discovered about your LOKRIG ancestors, either through posting your family tree on the association website or submitting articles and photographs to The LOCK-ON.

Annual dues of $10 for members.

If you are interested in becoming a member of the LOKRIG Family Association and receiving all of the benefits listed above, select LOKRIG Application from the Features section on the right side of the screen:

DNA - The LOKRIG DNA Project is administered by Family Tree DNA, a non affiliated DNA lab. The Project Administrator is an LFA member with complete access to genealogical and historical files. Many of the DNA participants are LFA members, but membership is not a requirement to submit a DNA sample. The Project Administrator assists the participant with results evaluation.

These files are constantly evolving as information becomes available. As such it is essential to keep an open dialogue. I encourage you to contact me through the "SUGGEST" TAB on any individual or family page if you have something you can add or correct. Contacting us in this way rather then the general email allows us to pin point exactly the family or person you are asking about.

Contact Us

email imageIf you have any questions or comments about the information on this site, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.